Early on in the covid pandemic, when the school our kids attend closed, members of the group and a couple of sponsors got together and sent Agnes, our wonderful teacher, money for food for the families of our kids. As part of our mission, our students receive two meals a day. With the pandemic, these children were not getting their meals, and food was not easy to come by for their families. This donation helped out the families tremendously! Since then, we have sent more money to help support our community of 45 families.
I recently wrote to Agnes to find out how things are going with the families of our kids. This is what she had to say about the situation in Kampala:
"I'm in touch with our children's families ... I have got calls from mothers asking about more support for food, especially those with more than one child. That will help them so much.
They have opened public taxi with restrictions and the transport costs are too high as the vehicles are carrying half of the number of people to be carried normally. So far, the government has not made any plan for re-opening schools.
We were so much worried about covid19, looking at what was happening in other countries - we became strong! When we have life, we thank God! May God continue protecting all of you and be safe."